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Factors essential for evaluations of ICH The appearance and evaluation of intracranial hemorrhage on MRI primarily

•An “Intra-cranial space occupying lesion” (ICSOL)is defined as a mass lesion in the cranial cavity with

Learning objects Hypodense lesion in brain

Learning objects Hyperdense (white) Lesions in CT Scan

Introduction Infectious diseases affecting the central nervous system (CNS) range from acute to chronic, from indolent

Learning objectives

Introduction Restless legs syndrome (RLS) or Willis-Ekbom disease, which is characterized by uncomfortable tingling sensations and

Systematic Review: Stroke Scales Systematic review of studies on stroke scales 8 trials met inclusion/exclusion criteria.

Epilepsy Def:-Seizure:- any abnormal clinical event caused by sudden, excessive, disorderly electrical discharge from cerebral neurons

Definition: The rapidly developing clinical symptoms &/or signs of focal (at times global) disturbance of cerebral

Multiple sclerosis(MS) is an acquired autoimmune inflammatory demyelination of CNS characteristerized by

Stroke may be defined as sudden onset of focal or global neurological deficit resulting from non

Approach to the patient of paraplegia Definition: Paraplegia is an impairment in motor and/or sensory function

Undrgraduate Neurology Lecture

Undrgraduate Neurology Lecture

Undrgraduate Neurology Lecture

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